OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
– OWASP publishes a list of the most important vulnerabilities
– OWASP TOP 10 – 2007 UPDATE:
• A1 - Cross site scripting
• A2 - Injection Flaws
• A3 - Insecure Remote File Include
• A4 - Insecure Direct Object Reference
• A5 - Cross – site Request Forgery
• A6 - Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling
• A7 - Broken Authentication and Session Management
• A8 - Insecure Cryptographic Storage
• A9 - Insecure communications

• A10 - Failure to restrict URL access

HDIV covers the following web risks (based on owasp top ten):
The source of the problem of sql injection (the most important injection risk) is based on sql querys that use untrusted data without the use of parametrized querys (without PreparedStatement in Java environments). First of all HDIV minimize the existence of untrusted data thanks to the web information flow control system that avoids the manipulation of the data generated by the server side. This architecture minimizes the risk to just the new data generated legally from editable form elements. It's important to note that even using PreparedStatement if the query is based on untrusted data generated previously at server side (for instance the identification id of an item within a list) it's possible to exist an sql injection risk.
In addition to that HDIV implements an internal system that detect Sql Injection risks within source-code.
Broken authentication and session management
HDIV doesn't create a parallel authentication system delegating this responsibility to application servers.
The source of the problem of XSS risk is based on writes that use untrusted data without using escaped functions. First of all HDIV minimize the existence of untrusted data thanks to the web information flow control system implement by HDIV, minimizing the risk to the new data generated legally from editable form elements.
In addition to that HDIV implements an internal system that detects XSS risks within source-code.
Insecure direct object reference
The source of the problem of this risk is based on the manipulation or updating of the data generated previously at server side. For instance, a list which is sent to the client with an id for each item. The cliente manipulated the id and try to access to a forbidden id. HDIV web information flor control system control all the data generated at server side ensuring the integrity of the data generated at serve side. In additon to that and optionally is possible to ensure the confidentiality of the data generated at server side avoiding the exposition of critical (such as credit cards, etc.).
Security misconfiguration
Current application security architectures doesn't follow security by default approach, on the contrary, the programmers must apply security configuration to avoid the access to private or confidential resources. Thanks to the information flow control system implemented by HDIV, all the resources (links and forms) exposed by the application are controlled by HDIV and doesn't allow to break the original contract offered by the server.
In other words, even when the programmer doesn't use access control systems or ACL (Java EE or Spring Security) HDIV is able to know which resource is accesible by each user.
Sensitive data exposure
HDIV offers a confitentialy property to all data generated at the sever side. That is to say, HDIV replaces original parameter values generated at the server side by relative values (0,1,2,4, etc.) that avoids exposing critical data to the client side.
Missing function level access control
Current application security architectures doesn't follow security by default approach, on the contrary, the programmers must apply security controls to avoid the access to private or confidential resources. Thanks to the information flow control system implemented by HDIV, all the resources (links and forms) exposed by the application are controlled by HDIV and in this way the original contract offered by the server can not be broken.
In other words, even when the programmer doesn't use access control systems or ACL (Java EE or Spring Security) HDIV is able to know which resource is accesible by each user.
HDIV adds an aleatory token to each link or form existing within the application. It makes extremely difficult to implement an CSRF attack because the attacker doesn't know which is the value.
In order to offer an extreme security level HDIV doesn't use an aleatory token per session and creates a new token for each requested page. Even the token used by links and forms within the same page are different avoiding the reuse of link tokens to exploit a web form.
Using components with known vulnerabilities
Although HDIV can't update the base software of web applications and is advisable to update the software versions to the latest, the web information flow control system implemented by HDIV avoids and makes more difficult to exploit many known and unknown vulnerabilities of the base software.
In other words, in many cases (see: Struts1 cancel button vulnerability) the risks are based on an unexpected use of a web application. HDIV doesn't allow to break the original contract and thanks to this property it is more difficult to exploit existing risks.
Unvalidated redirects and forwards
This vulnerability is mainly related with the manipulation of non editable data or data generated previously at server side. HDIV controls all the data sent by the server and doesn't allow the redirection to malicious web sites.
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